Vivi tau, sebanyak apapun Vivi bilang terimakasih, nggak akan pernah cukup buat semua yang udah papah lakuin, usahain, beri untuk Vivi. But here are just a few:
Thank you for everything you do for our family. You've worked so hard to provide everything that we needs. You've always put our needs first before your own. I know, I will never be able to thank you enough for that.
Thank you for loving us unconditionally. No matter how annoying I am. You've always be there for me. You've always cheer my day up. You've always there to support me. You're my biggest supporter ever.
Terimakasih pah, udah ngajarin banyak hal. Vivi tau, apa yang selama ini papah ajarin ke Vivi, bakalan berguna banget buat kedepannya.
Thank you for always be there to pick me up whenever & wherever I am. You've always protect me and care about me even in your lowest condition.
Thank you for being my supporter number #1. I know that you've always supported me, didn't care how bad the results was. You've always had my back. You've always be there to cheer me up. And told me that everything is gonna be okay.
Thank you pah for loving our mamah as much as you do. I know that your love is incredibly amazing. I hope Aa can loves me as much as you do.
Thank you for being such an amazing and awesome best friend. You're the one I always count on to. The one I can depend myself on. The one who always listen to me, no matter crazy it was. Thank you papah.
Thank you for being you. I'm grateful I have someone like you look to look up to. To depend on. To count on.
Thank you pah for your love & support. I wouldn't be where I am today without your love & support.
Thank you papah for being the best dad in the whole world. I'm sure it's so hard sometimes. But you've always find way to made it. I'm so incredibly grateful for you. I love you pah & how lucky I am to have you as my dad.
Terimakasih banyak ya pah, untuk selalu jadi yang terbaik.
Maafin Vivi ya pah, Karena sebanyak apapun kata maaf, rasanya nggak akan pernah cukup juga untuk nebus semua kesalahan Vivi yang pernah nyakitin papah, bikin kecewa papah, bikin marah papah.
Papah udah nggak sakit kan sekarang pah? Udah nggak sesek kan pah? I love you pah.
Terimakasih sudah selalu berjuang & bertahan pah❤
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