January: Day 1 Writing Challenge - 10 Things That Make Me Happy

Bandung, 1 Januari 2020

List 10 things that make me really happy.

1. Nature

I'm blend with nature. Yup, I mean it. I prefer going to the forest, camping, hiking, exploring, than going to the mall or city. I love fresh air, the weather in the nature and ofc trees, beaches, mountains and all.

2. Museum 

I always love to visit museums I don't know why. Maybe because of the histories or even the mystic. Lol. Also, museums have cheap ticket and have so much stuffs with stories back day. Always make my day!

3. Cats

I have 2 cats. And some stray cats. They're the cutest! My babies and my moodboosters!

4. Traveling

New places, different cultures, unique languanges, new people. One of my dreams is traveling the world.

5. Minyak telon

Some of you may know what minyak telon is. Minyak telon is my perfume. I mean it.

6. Getting happy mails

I mean, who doesn't? Thats why I'm doing both postcrossing and penpaling💌

7. Milk and breads

Yup, I love everything with milk and bread in it. Just can't imagine how the world will be like without milk and breads.

8. Trying something new

Me always wanna do something new and different.

9. Rains

The smells of the rain. The comfortness. And that feeling when you're back to that memories.

10. Cold weather

Here in my country, we don't have winter season. And I keep wondering how it feels like to touch the snow, eat snow, make a snowball, and have a snow war. 

Maybe thats 10 things that really make me happy. 

Sorry for bad english. I'm still learning for it.

Have a beautiful 1/365 day! 

