January: Day 30 Writing Challenge - My Highs and Lows in This Month

Bandung, 31 Januari 2020

My highs and lows in this month.

It's almost a month that I do this writing challenge. And perhaps, you know me a lil bit more because of this writing challenge.

And grumpy me, I didn't check the days in January 2020 when I picked this writing challenge. The writing challenge are 30 days. And this January 2020 have 31 days. So, I decided to post 1 out of topic articles for completing my writing challenge.


My highs in the month are I'm feeling like I'm more responsible and more consistent. I do a lot of stuffs this month and I'm glad I did it quite well. If you guys read some of my writing challenge, you may know I did started a lot of activities this month. Like journaling, planting, learning new languange, challenging myself to write everyday for 30days in this blog, and etc.

My lows in this month are I didn't go out as much as I want. My husband just started a new job a while ago and we don't have any free schedule to go out like we did in last year. Usually, we went out 2-4 times in a month. Maybe in the next month, we will do same. Ah😔
I also didn't receive many postcard & letters. The last incoming was January 4th. Hiks.

How about you? What are your highs and lows in this month?

